What kind of work have you been doing as a volunteer?
Initially, I engaged my high school students in walking with pediatric brain tumor survivors during CTBTA’s Annual Path of Hope Walk. Six years ago, I became the Volunteer Coordinator for the Path of Hope Walk. This involves gathering approximately fifty volunteers to help with many aspects of the Path of Hope Walk.
What is one of your most memorable and rewarding experiences as a volunteer?
Each year at the Path of Hope event, I stop to look around at all of the wonderful volunteers that are working, and I marvel at their good will. They do their jobs well, are welcoming to all, and join in the mission to spread awareness. Nearly every volunteer signs up to return the following year. They want to be part of this joyful event and that is rewarding.
What advice would you give to someone who is considering volunteering?
Find a cause that matters to you and jump in! I believe that giving of oneself to help others creates a strong feeling of accomplishment.
Have you seen any positive changes in the community since you started volunteering?
The number of participants in the Path of Hope Walk continues to increase, and with that comes increased awareness of CTBTA’s mission, and that is amazing.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience volunteering for CTBTA?
Volunteering for CTBTA has allowed me to meet many wonderfully giving people, and to meet many strong and courageous people fighting the good fight with hope for their futures. For the opportunity to be part of this community, I am most grateful.
To sign up to be a volunteer at one of our upcoming nonprofit events, fill out the form here!